Cowboy Tech



Closure is a first class citizen of the language

  • assign them to variables or constants,
  • put then inside arrays or dictionaries
  • return them as the result of a function or closure
  • and even receive them as parameters of another function or closure!
let f = { (x:Int) -> Int in
    return x + 42


let closures = [
    f,                                  // our previous closure
    {(x:Int) -> Int in return x * 2},   // a new Int -> Int closure
    {x in return x - 8},                // no need for the type of the closure!
    {(x:Int) in x * x},                 // no need for return if only one line
    {$0 * 42}                           // access parameter by position instead of name

for fn in closures {

Functions and closures are the same thing

Actually, when the compiler finds a function declaration such as foo, it will take the following steps:

  • Create a closure that takes an Int and returns 42 plus that Int.
  • Then, assigns this closure to a constant called foo
func foo(x:Int) -> Int {
    return 42 + x

let bar = { (x: Int) -> Int in
    return 42 + x

add a few functions to an array and then call them

func larry(x:Int) -> Int {
    return x * x

func curly(n:Int) -> Int {
    return n * (n - 1)

func moe(n:Int) -> Int {
    return n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)

var stooges = [larry, curly, moe]

for stooge in stooges {

for each in stooges {

Typealias & Capture value

typealias IntMaker = (Void) -> Int

Functions and closure capture variables defined before the closure or function is defined.

func makeCounter() -> IntMaker {
    var n = 0

    // Functions within functions?
    // Yes we can!
    func adder() -> Integer {
        n = n + 1
        return n
    return adder

let counter1 = makeCounter()
let counter2 = makeCounter()

counter1() //1
counter1() //2
counter1() //3

each closure has its own copy of the environment (the values of all variables that were captured).

counter2() //1


Hiding threads

  • Threads are inherently complex and dangerous

  • GCD makes asynchronous programming easier and safer by hiding threads within the concept of a queue of closure from the developer

  • Blades are inherently dangerous ,add handles to make for safer knives

Types of queues

Serial or synchronous queue - predictable

  • Every closure gets to run when it reaches the end of the queue

  • The order in which closures run is predictable

  • Still have concurrency ,each queue will run on its own threads and will not block each other

Concurrent or Asynchronous queue - unpredictable

  • Have several threads pickup closures at any point of the queue for running

  • The order in which closures run is not predictable

Main queue

  • handles the UI of your app

  • You should never run code that blocks on this queue

Main function in GCD

create a queue

Represents a queue


Ceate a queue from scratch,To specify serial, just pass dispatch_queue_serial or nil


Global queues

Use existing one queue instead of creating new queues


QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED   //regular priority 



access those global queues with function


Main queue

get the main queue


Add a closure to a queue

  • the code inside the queue will run sometime in the immediate future
  • the exact time will depend on how many closures already waiting in the queue and the priority of the queue
  • dispatch_async adds your closures to each queue and return imediately

Add a closure to a queue

dispatch_async ()

Example 1

let q = dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE,0)

//Imediately return and add the block to the q ,then run in the near future 
    () -> Void in

print ("tac") //this run first

Example 2

//cannot predict order the code run below of each queue

let q1 = dispatch_queue_create("queue1",nil)
let q2 = dispatch_queue_create("queue1",nil)
let q3 = dispatch_queue_create("queue1",nil)

dispatch_async(q1){ ()->Void in

dispatch_async(q2){ ()->Void in

dispatch_async(q3){ ()->Void in

print("end") //run first

UIKIT & CoreData

  • when the framework can run in the background it is said to be thread safe

  • cannot run anything from UIKit in the background

//maybe crash , uikit should run in Main queue

let downloadQueue = dispatch_queue_create("download",nil)

dispatch_async(downloadQueue){()-> Void in 

let imgData = NSData (contentsOfURL:url!)

let image = UIImage(data:imgData!)

self.photoViewimage = image


Synchronous download

// Get the URL for the image
let url = NSURL(string: BigImages.seaLion.rawValue)

// Obtain the NSData with the image
let imgData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url!)

// Turn it into a UIImage
let image = UIImage(data: imgData!)

// Display it
photoView.image = image

Refactor code by if-let

if let url = NSURL(string: BigImages.seaLion.rawValue),
    let imgData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url),
    let image = UIImage(data: imgData){

    // Display it
    photoView.image = image

Asynchronous download

Not all of UIkit is thread and save.There are a few exceptions, such as UIImage
All the visual stuff, the views are unsaved
if name end view, it must be main queue

@IBAction func simpleAsynchronousDownload(sender: UIBarButtonItem) {

        let url = NSURL(string: BigImages.shark.rawValue)

        // create a queue
        let downloadQueue = dispatch_queue_create("download", nil)

        // add a closure that encapsulates the blocking operation
        // run it asynchronously: some time in the near future

        dispatch_async(downloadQueue) { () -> Void in

            // Obtain the NSData with the image
            let imgData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url!)

            // Turn it into a UIImage
            let image = UIImage(data: imgData!)

            // Run the code that updates the UI in the main queue!
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
                // Display it
                self.photoView.image = image

Completion Closure

It is a good practice to make sure that always all your completion handlers run in the main queue

    func withBigImage(completionHandler handler: (image: UIImage) -> Void){

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0)) { () -> Void in

        // get the url
        // get the NSData
        // turn it into a UIImage

        if let url = NSURL(string: BigImages.whale.rawValue), let imgData = NSData(contentsOfURL: url), let img = UIImage(data: imgData) {

            // run the completion block
            // always in the main queue, just in case!

            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
                handler(image: img)

Async & Sync

doesn’t wait for the closure to finish ,and moves on Always use until you know very well what you are doing


won’t return immediately.waits until the closure is done ,could easily get stalled!
